Adopted by a Horse


Kiger mustangs are indigenous.

Wild herds can become prodigious.

So in Oregon the BLM

Rounds some up into big holding pens.

Near Burns tall chain link corrals are home

For a while to horses born to roam

The high desert in all its seasons

Eating sparse forage, hence the reason.

Many Kigers are a handsome buckskin

Whose black-tipped ears, mane and knee stripes win

My heart as does their hardy nature

But best’s an intelligent creature.

I visited the mustangs one day

To see wild horses the easy way.

I drove around the big enclosures

Admiring, watched while taking pictures.

By a barn mustangs stood in a bunch.

I thought of an apple in my lunch

When right to my open window came

A fine bold stallion with a black mane.

I gently gave a friendly greeting.

His lustrous eyes pleased at the meeting

Through my window he stuck his soft nose

And I shared my apple since he chose

To befriend me and I was pleased

By his noble gesture and seized

By desire to take him home with me.

But without the means it couldn’t be.

The mustangs are offered for adoption

And for those who can, it’s a fine option.