That Splash You Heard…

Welcome to my new website.

It’s fair to say that crafting a blog post gives you an insight into what it’s like for a journalist who has a column to write on a continual basis.

The big news of the moment is the launch of this website. That in itself was a lot of work. Just imagine if you were intrepid enough to take on the job of building it yourself.

That’s neither my inclination nor skill set, thanks very much.

I turned to the very capable web designer Rachael Garrison of Ocelot Media in Tigard. Not only is she skilled and knowledgeable, but a professional who’s easy to work with. It took effort to find her, but I knew as soon as we met that she was the person for whom I’d been searching.

In the interest of full disclosure, I mentioned early on that I hoped to model my author website on that of Stephen King. So if you see his, it’ll be familiar. The major difference being that Mr. King has a bit more work to present.

An author website must be dynamic, of course. I plan to update my site at least on a monthly basis. I’ll feature different stories and poetry and you just never know what I’ll write about next. I’ll also let you know what I’m working on and what’s in the hopper. Could there be a sequel to The Second American Civil War?

Many thanks for tuning in. Feel free to drop a line.